
I’m Sean, a software developer who lives outside of Philadelphia with my wife, son, dog, cat, and lizard. I love building things, especially for the web and mobile. I’m the sole creator of Zenith, a platform to manage areas of your life with smart goals and AI, and I currently work full time as a developer at Nestle Nespresso SA.


  1. Company
    CEO & Developer
  2. Company
    Nestle Nespresso SA
    Specialist Applications Development
  3. Company
    Nestle Nespresso SA
    Associate Applications Development
  4. Company
    Allen Myers
    Heavy Equipment Operator
  5. Company
    H&K Group
    Pipe Layer
Download CV
  • Zenith

    Zenith is a goal oriented task manager that helps you to prioritize and achieve by breaking focus areas down into smart goals and smaller tasks. This project was built in phases, starting with Next.JS and PostgreSQL to produce an MVP, then a complete rewrite of the backend with NestJS and a few node microservices for scaling the notifications, websockets, and mailing services.

    Technologies used
    • Next.js
    • NestJS
    • PostgreSQL
    • Redis
    • Node.js
    • TypeScript
    • OpenAI
    • Tailwind CSS


  • Iron Will Tattoo Studio

    A website for a local tattoo studio that I built using Next.js and Tailwind CSS. The site features a gallery of the artist's work, and a contact form. This site is still under active development.

    Technologies used
    • Next.js
    • TypeScript
    • Tailwind CSS


  • Doodles

    I'd made this project because my 4 year old son was enjoying a click to color app on his tablet, and he'd reached the end of the free content. So I put together a PWA with a few coloring pages and a color picker. It's a fun project to work on and my son loves it to this day - I've even added background music at his request (that can be turned off of course). Technologies used: Next.js, TypeScript, a whole lot of SVG's, and Tailwind CSS.

    Technologies used
    • Next.js
    • TypeScript
    • Tailwind CSS


  • jsDB

    A simple, lightweight, and persistent JSON database package for Node.js utilzing an async queue for managing concurrent read/write operations. It is designed to be easy to use and understand, and is suitable for small to medium-sized projects. The package is written in TypeScript with only a single dependency: Fuse.js for search functionality.

    Technologies used
    • Node.js
    • TypeScript

    npm jsDB

  • pg-fullservice

    A code generator for Node.js used with npx to generate boilerplate code models for an API or frontend client using a schema file or an existing PostgreSQL database. The package, written in TypeScript, is designed to be easy to use and understand, it utilizes the Commander package for establishing the details needed to generate the code.

    Technologies used
    • Node.js
    • TypeScript

    npx pg-fullservice

  • NoderJS

    A small, slightly opinionated, zero-dependency Node.js package mimicking Express.js for building web servers, APIs, and microservices. The package is written in TypeScript and is designed to be easy to use and understand, and is suitable for small to medium-sized projects with 0 dependencies.

    Technologies used
    • Node.js
    • TypeScript

    npm NoderJS

  • Go API Template

    A template for building APIs in Go with a focus on simplicity, performance, maintainability, and scalability. The only dependency in this project is the Postgres driver, which can be swapped out for any other database driver easily thanks to utilizing interfaces.

    Technologies used
    • Go
    • PostgreSQL

    Go API Template

  • Rust Parks

    A free and open-source API for accessing information about the National Parks of the United States of America, built with Rust. This project was built with technologies like Actix-Web, it utilizes swagger for API documentation, and is deployed on Fly.io.

    Technologies used
    • Rust
    • Actix-Web
    • Fly.io

    Rust Parks